Uptown Grant Program Round 3 (New Applicants)

This is a preview of the Uptown Grant Program Round 3 (New Applicants) form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Eligibility Questions

To check if your District Team is eligible to apply for this grant, complete the following questions below:

Which entity type is your District Team applying as, or in the process of becoming to apply? * Required
Response required.
Does your District Team have a valid ABN or is it in the process of acquiring one? * Required
If you are in the process of acquiring an ABN for your entity, you may use the ABN of one of your District Team members who must be part of the Eligible Entity. You will be required to provide evidence that you are in the process of applying for an ABN for your Entity.
Is your District Team registered for GST or able to provide evidence of GST registration application? * Required
Does your District Team have a bank account with an Australian financial institution or can you provide evidence of having applied for a bank account? * Required
Is your District Team solvent? * Required
Will you be able to execute a Funding Deed with the NSW Government if successful? * Required
Does your District Team have a minimum of five registered members of the applying entity based in the District? * Required
Do you confirm that your District Team has not received funding for Community Improvement District or Business Improvement District purposes within the past 5 years? * Required
This includes businesses that have multiple ABNs and have already used one of their ABNs to claim a grant.
Do you acknowledge that your project must be delivered during the grant funding period? * Required
The grant funding period is defined as dates between 01/06/2025 to 30/06/2026.
Please check the Uptown Grant Program Guidelines - Round 2 for eligible Local Government Areas.
Do you have a letter of no objection from the relevant council organisation? * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Do you have a letter of no objection from the relevant council organisation?" on page 1

Attach a file: Select stored file
    A maximum of 1 file may be attached. 

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Do you have a letter of no objection from the relevant council organisation?" on page 1

    Do you have contact details of a relevant representative from a local council organisation that has agreed to be contacted in relation to this application? * Required

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Do you have contact details of a relevant representative from a local council organisation that has agreed to be contacted in relation to this application?" on page 1

    Must be an Australian phone number. 
    Must be an email address. 

    Unable to continue (Not Applicable)

    This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

    • "Which entity type is your District Team applying as, or in the process of becoming to apply?" on page 1
    • "Does your District Team have a valid ABN or is it in the process of acquiring one?" on page 1
    • "Is your District Team registered for GST or able to provide evidence of GST registration application?" on page 1
    • "Is your District Team solvent?" on page 1
    • "Will you be able to execute a Funding Deed with the NSW Government if successful?" on page 1
    • "Does your District Team have a minimum of five registered members of the applying entity based in the District?" on page 1
    • "Do you confirm that your District Team has not received funding for Community Improvement District or Business Improvement District purposes within the past 5 years?" on page 1
    • "Which Local Government Area/s is your District Team located in?" on page 1
    • "Do you have contact details of a relevant representative from a local council organisation that has agreed to be contacted in relation to this application?" on page 1
    • "Do you acknowledge that your project must be delivered during the grant funding period?" on page 1

    Based on your response to the above Eligibility question/s, you are unable to continue and apply. Refer to the Uptown Grant Program Round 3 Guidelines for more details.

    DCITHS staff are here to help you and can be contacted between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) via:  

    Eligibility Confirmation (Not Applicable)

    This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

    • "Which entity type is your District Team applying as, or in the process of becoming to apply?" on page 1
    • "Does your District Team have a valid ABN or is it in the process of acquiring one?" on page 1
    • "Is your District Team registered for GST or able to provide evidence of GST registration application?" on page 1
    • "Is your District Team solvent?" on page 1
    • "Will you be able to execute a Funding Deed with the NSW Government if successful?" on page 1
    • "Does your District Team have a minimum of five registered members of the applying entity based in the District?" on page 1
    • "Do you confirm that your District Team has not received funding for Community Improvement District or Business Improvement District purposes within the past 5 years?" on page 1
    • "Which Local Government Area/s is your District Team located in?" on page 1
    • "Do you acknowledge that your project must be delivered during the grant funding period?" on page 1
    • "Do you have a letter of no objection from the relevant council organisation?" on page 1
    • "Do you have contact details of a relevant representative from a local council organisation that has agreed to be contacted in relation to this application?" on page 1

    Please declare that this application meets the eligibility criteria: 

    I confirm that I've read the guidelines and the information supporting our eligibility is accurate * Required